Proper grain storage is key to ensuring that grain remains safe and in optimal condition while awaiting transportation. Meridian hopper bins are one of the most popular and convenient ways to store grain. With the addition of the right accessories and tools, grain bin storage becomes even more favourable. When looking for grain bin accessories that optimize your processes even further, you can turn to the experts at Avonlea Farm Sales Ltd.

Founded by farmers in 1988, Avonlea Farm Sales is dedicated to providing you with the farming equipment you need to make your life easier while increasing your productivity. We carry a selection of grain bin accessories to help you stay prepared for anything. Find Meridian hopper bins for sale paired with the best accessories. Contact a member of our team today and let the experts at Avonlea help you make the most of your time.

Aeration Fans & Heaters

Bin Monitoring


ID # 14296289

Grain Guard Helfer System

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  • The Helfer duct rocket penetrates the center of the bin to release air into the core
  • Fan efficiency is increased by as much as 20%
  • Static pressure is lowered
  • Drying time is reduced by as much as 50%
  • 15" round floor ducts push air up from the floor and out towards the bin walls

All of the systems below come standard with a 48" Helfer duct. Add 24" or 48" extension for all tall bins.

Wall Vents

  • Reduce static pressure
  • Maximize air flow
  • Reduce drying time by eliminating moisture movement to the top of the bin
  • Easily opened and closed from ground level with a unique rope system
  • Can be used to enhance other aeration systems
  • 3 vents per bin recommended (18' diameter or larger)
A system design for maximum airflow
Helfer System
Category Name
Grain Bin Accessories
Sale Type
Grain Guard

What Grain Bin Accessories are Most Helpful?

Knowing which grain bin accessories will make your life easier will depend on the unique needs of your farm. At Avonlea, we carry a variety of grain bin accessories and are sure to have the ideal solution for your farms' needs. Find the tools and replacement parts that you need with us. Some of the most sought-out grain bin accessories include the following.

Are There Alternative Options for Storing Grain?

Looking for an alternative to grain bins but still need efficient and effective storage? Grain baggers can be the ideal solution for increasing efficiency without the need for grain bins or elevators. Find grain baggers and extractors within our inventory. Every farm is unique. Let us help you determine which grain storage solution is right for you.