High salt commercial fertilizers and are killing the productivity of our soil! Every year soluble salt levels increase in our farm land due to the salt residue left behind by commercial fertilizers. The result is reduced plant nutrient uptake. Many agrologists and fertilizer retailers are recommending more and more high salt fertilizer as a solution to reduced fertilizer yield response. Yields are maintained for now, but soil salt toxicity increases compounding the problem. The result is higher input costs erery year
Low salt liquid starter fertilizers & low salt dry starter fertilizers reduce the amount of salt entering your soil eco-system. Starter fertilizer plays an important role in the development and emergence of seedlings. Without sufficient nutrient in the root zone, potential crop yield can be reduced. Yet not all starter liquid fertilizer is created equally.
BIO-HUME PLUS+ is available in 1000L totes for commercial vegetable crops, hayland, pasture, fruit production, lawn care, golf courses, shelterbelts, and all agricultureal crops.
One litre of BIOHUME PLUS+ contains 8 Trillion biological cultures, .2 lbs of carbon, lbls of humic acid, and 0.009 lbs of fulvic acid.
- Use on potato seed.Bio Hume digests seed bourne fungi to reduce future disease pressure.
- Use on edible beans and field peas Bio Hume digests seed bourne fungi to reduce future disease pressure and promote nodulation.
- Bio Hume stimulates seed hormone production for faster emergence, improved plant vigor. and promotes root developement
- Apply weekly as a disease suppressant.
- Higher yield and more uniform size potatoes
- Storage spoilage in potato sheds is nearly eliminated
- Apply as needed to edible bean and pea crops to suppress disease and stimulate plant growth
- Reduce synthetic fertilizer requirement by 20%.
- Fixes Nitrogen in the rhizosphere in plant useable form.
- Releases phosphorus tied up in soil particles.
- Digests crude organic matter including manure and releases crop available nitrogen and phosphorus.
- Reduces soil pH by increasing organic matter.
- Digests soluble salts in the soil left behind by synthetic fertilizers.
- For best yield results, apply 7.5 itres per acre direclty in the seed row.
- Provides plant growth hormones to stimulate photosynthesis, vegetive growth, root growth, root nodulation, and suppress disease pressure.
- Apply at a rate of 7.5 litres per acre. For even better yield response.
- Apply in a total volume of 10 USG/Acre. Do NOT use chlorinated water.
- Provides plant growth hormones to stimulate photosynthesis, vegetive growth, root growth, root nodulation, and suppress disease pressure.
- Apply at a rate of 7.5 litres per acre. For even better yield response.
- Apply in a total volume of 10 USG/Acre. Do NOT use chlorinated water.
- Reduce synthetic fertilizer requirement by 20%.
- Fixes Nitrogen in the rhizosphere in plant useable form.
- Releases phosphorus tied up in soil particles.
- Digests crude organic matter including manure and releases crop available nitrogen and phosphorus.
- Reduces soil pH by increasing organic matter.
- Digests soluble salts in the soil left behind by synthetic fertilizers.
- For best yield results in year 1, apply 7.5 itres per acre direclty in the seed row.
- Provides plant growth hormones to stimulate photosynthesis, vegetive growth, root growth, root nodulation, and suppress disease pressure.
- Apply at a rate of 7.5 litres per acre.
- Apply in a total volume of 10 USG/Acre. Do NOT use chlorinated water.
- Reduce synthetic fertilizer requirement by 20%.
- Fixes Nitrogen in the rhizosphere in plant useable form.
- Releases phosphorus tied up in soil particles.
- Digests crude organic matter including manure and releases crop available nitrogen and phosphorus.
- Reduces soil pH by increasing organic matter.
- Digests soluble salts in the soil left behind by synthetic fertilizers.
- For best yield results in year 1, apply 7.5 itres per acre direclty in the seed row.
Vegetable crops In furrow and top dress 7.5-15 litres per acre once per season. Foliar application rate is 5-10 litres per acre 1-4 times per growing season.
Field crops In furrow and top dress 7.5-15 litres per acre once per season. Foliar application rate is 5-10 litres per acre 1-2 times per growing season.
Pastures and hayland 7.5-15 litres per acre in spring when first growth appears. A second application can be made immediately after first cut.
Commercial Garden and Fruit Production in furrow and top dress15-25 litres per acre. Foliar application rate is 5- 10 litres per acre 1-4 times per growing season.
Small areas are 250-500 ml per 1000 square feet (93 square metres).
Bio-Hume Plus+ is a blend of ACF-SR biologicals and Liquid Carbon. These products can be custom blended for your specific field requirements.
ACF-SR provides 10 Trilllion active bacteria cultures per litre that release tied up phosphate from low and high pH soils. Nitrogen is also converted to a plant useable form and root ball size increases. This product can be used as an "in furrow" application or can be applied directly to the soil just prior to or just after seeding. These two methods of application provide the best soil activity. Bio-Hume Plus+ can also be used as a foliar applied product.
Our microbes perform key functions in the soil, including fixing nitrogen from the atmosphere, solubilizing essential nutrients, such as phosphorus and potassium, and producing phytohormones, which provide the full spectrum of Plant Growth Promoting (PGP) functions in the soil.
Our microbes provide the full spectrum of required functions, individual species are grown on special nutrients under specific conditions, to ensure specific functions are present.
There are 3 basic types of Bacteria & Fungi:
1: Photosynthetic bacteria supply energy from light, fix nitrogen and carbon, degrade toxic chemicals, and supply organic carbon to plants for growth. These bacteria improve the efficiency and effectiveness of CO2 fixation
2: Vegetative strains improve the soil by breaking down residual toxic chemicals and break down complex organics to provide nutrients to plants
3: Bacillus spores are the most common microbial additives in any biological product. They are known to produce auxins, hormones, and other substances to promote plant vigor. They also breakdown complex organics to produce forms readily available to plants
ACF-SR contains the following strains to promote plant growth and repair soil:
LIQUID CARBON contains 8.26% Organic Matter, 4.2% Carbon, 7.65% Humic Acid, 1.79% Fulvic Acid, and many trace micronutrients to improve soil and plant health. The carbon and organic matter provide a feed source to strenghten soil biologicals and fungi. Humic acid promotes root ball growth, nutrient uptake, drought tolerance, and seed germination. Fulvic acid is a chelator (makes soil metals plant available) and the molecule size is small enough to be absorbed into plants. Fulvic acid increases root development, nutrient uptake, and general plant health by improving disease resitance.
BIO-HUME PLUS can be applied on the seed, in the seed row, spread on soil, and foliar applied
BIO*HUME PLUS improves soil health, resulting in greener grass, larger vegetables & fruit with better flavour, and less disease pressure.
Application rates (50/50 Blend):
At seeding time, apply on the soil at a rate of .66 litres per 1000 square feet. Dilute1 litre of Bio-Hume Plus in 9 litres of clean non chlorinated water to ensure even coverage.
Foliar application, apply once or twice a season at a rate of .66 litres per 1000 square feet. Dilute1 litre of Bio-Hume Plus in 9 litres of clean non chlorinated water to ensure even coverage.
Golf course Tee Boxes, Fairways, and Greens, apply in spring as soon as greening starts to occur at a rate of .66 lites per 1000 square feet . Dilute1litre of Bio-Hume Plus in 9 litres of clean non chlorinated water to ensure even coverage. Repeat applications can be done monthly during the growing season to "Keep it GREEN"
Garden and Fruit Production, apply in furrow and top dress at .66-.1.0 litres per 1000 square feet. Foliar application rate is .66 litres per 1000 square feet at first greening in spring. Apply 1-4 times per growing season. Dilute1 litre of Bio-Hume Plus in 9 litres of clean non chlorinated water to ensure even coverage.
Analysis of Base Ingredients
ACF-SR provides 10 Trilllion active bacteria cultures per litre that release tied up phosphate from low and high pH soils. Nitrogen is also converted to a plant useable form and root ball size increases. This product can be used as an "in furrow" application or can be applied directly to the soil just prior to or just after seeding. These two methods of application provide the best soil activity. ACF-SR can also be used as a foliar applied product.
LIQUID CARBON contains 8.26% Organic Matter, 4.2% Carbon, 7.65% Humic Acid, 1.79% Fulvic Acid, and many trace micronutrients to improve soil and plant health. The carbon and organic matter provide a feed source to strenghten soil biologicals and fungi. Humic acid promotes root ball growth, nutrient uptake, drought tolerance, and seed germination. Fulvic acid is a chelator (makes soil metals plant available) and the molecule size is small enough to be absorbed into plants. Fulvic acid increases root development, nutrient uptake, and general plant health by improving disease resitance.