SYNERGY SRN NANO is a liquid farm fertilizer that can be absorbed directly through the leaf rather than having to wash down into the root zone to be plant absorbed. The small particle size of NANO allows nitrogen to be directly absorbed through the leaf pores (polar cuticular pathways). The result is instant plant absorption and a 4-12 times better plant response per pound of nitrogen applied. P, K, S, and micro nutrients can be added to SRN NANO. Tank mixing is possible with nearly all herbicides, fungicides, and agrochemicals. SRN NANO is crop safe amd can be applied directly on crop leaves without concern of leaf burn associated with use of other forms of liquid nitrogen fertilizer. SYNERGY SRN NANO is made up of 18% nitrogen that is immediately absorbed by the crop. The remaining 72% of the nitrogen is a slow release.product that remains on the leaf in polymer form. UV light breaks down this polymer gradually over a period of 21-28 days and the nitrogen is released into the crop. Any other nutrients, herbicides, and fungicides are slow released over the same time frame. The result is tank mix synergy and improved crop health.
The Canadian government is planning for up to a 20% a reduction in soil applied fertilizers in the near future. The need to fall and spring apply 100% of the entire season nutrition requirements may be at risk. Foliar application alone cannot provide all of the nutrient required. However, 20% or more of the plant nutrition requirements can be foliar applied. Not applying a100% of your fertilizer needs before seeing how Mother Nature is going to behave for the season. This mitigates some crop input risk on a poor crop due to weather related yield loss.
At Avonlea Farm Sales Ltd., we are dedicated to providing our customers with farming equipment and supplies that improve their processes and protect soil health. As a supplier of TopKrop low salt starter fertilizer and low salt liquid fertilizers, you can depend on us to support you in protecting and improving your soil. Connect with a member of our team today and let us help you choose a low-salt fertilizer that supports your soil and improves your crops.
Plant Health and Foliar Feed together. ...