Why Grain Moisture Matters and How Proper Storage Can Protect Grain

The moisture content of grain is an important factor in the production and storage process.  Knowing the level of moisture in grain is not only important for selling, but it can also impact quality and has implications for storage. For the best profits, farmers need to produce grain that is not too wet but also not too dry. For that reason, monitoring grain moisture levels is essential.

Why Grain Moisture Matters and How Proper Storage Can Protect Grain

At Avonlea Farm Sales Ltd., we understand the importance of grain moisture levels as we are farmers too. We know that the right equipment can make all the difference when it comes to ensuring your grain is of the highest quality. As your source when looking for farming equipment for sale, we have the grain analysis equipment you need as well as grain storage solutions that protect your crop. In this post, we outline the basics of how to test grain moisture and offer solutions for protecting your grain while in storage. We look forward to helping you find farm equipment that improves your productivity and protects your investment.

How to Test Grain Moisture

Knowing how to measure grain moisture is essential for reducing shrinkage from too dry grain and also protecting from too much moisture. Thankfully, the process of testing grain moisture doesn’t have to be complicated. One of the best ways to ensure your grain is at an optimal moisture level is to use grain bin monitoring systems. These devices monitor temperature and moisture, allowing you to make necessary adjustments and protect your grain. Grain moisture can also be measured through oven-based tests and scales. With the right equipment, you can protect your grain quality and improve your profits when selling. Always be sure to monitor your grain moisture levels to prevent mould growth from wetness and shrinkage from dryness.

How Storage Can Protect Grain

Though grain moisture monitoring is an important component of managing grain moisture levels, adequate grain storage also plays an important role. At Avonlea, we know that the storage of grain is something you need to consider to ensure that grain remains optimal and safe while waiting for transportation and sale. For this reason, we provide you with quality Meridian hopper bins that make your life easier while protecting your grain. Paired with a grain bin monitor, you can feel confident that your grain is being adequately stored and protected.
If you are looking for an alternative storage solution for grain, you may find that grain baggers are an ideal choice. An air-tight storage solution, bagging grain, is ideal for long-term storage and could be the ideal grain storage solution for you.

Grain storage and monitoring are important. For assistance with finding a grain storage solution or monitoring system that is right for your needs, connect with a member of the team at Avonlea. We look forward to helping you store your grain in an efficient and safe way that helps you to achieve the best results. 

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 Contact Information

Avonlea Farm Sales Ltd.

7094 Road 41 NE
Domain   Manitoba , R0G 0M0

(204) 736-2893