Principles of Grain Drying

To reduce operating costs on your farm, each combine has to harvest more acres. To get the best prices for your crops you need the best grades. Both can be accomplished by harvesting sooner.

By harvesting before your grain is dry, your combine threshes better, you'll have more time to harvest, and you'll reduce the risk of losing grades. An aeration or drying system makes it possible to harvest tough grain, store it, and maintain grain quality in the bin.

When air is moved through grain two things happen. First of all, the grain will cool/warm until at equilibrium with the air being blown through. Secondly, the grain will dry/moisten until at equilibrium with the air being blown through. The term used to describe the above is EQUILIBRIUM MOISTURE CONTENT or EMC.

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 Contact Information

Avonlea Farm Sales Ltd.

7094 Road 41 NE
Domain   Manitoba , R0G 0M0

(204) 736-2893